Jennifer Gadus

Successful Technology Leadership isn’t Just About Creating Strategies and Nurturing Teams…

In addition to helping businesses grow YoY, I view success in leadership as seeing someone I once managed surpass me in their own career.

Leadership = Building Trust

It’s my firm belief that trust is the foundation of any successful relationship. As leaders, we need to build trust to achieve growth of both the business and the employee. Professionally, I approach this from a few different angles.


Leadership—in my opinion—is more about teaching & guiding than giving orders. Yes, we need to plan and direct our teams for success, but leading them means to teach them new ways of thinking, how to recognize their passions, and how to leverage their strengths.‎

Neon sign photo spelling 'Think About Things Differently' by Ivan Bertolazzi.

Strategy & Planning

Truth be told, you’ve got to have your house in order. If you bring chaos and tons of last-minute projects to your team, no one will trust you to have your sh*t together as a manager. In the end, a strong strategy and good forward-planning is just downright respectful to your employees. People need to know what’s coming; we need structure.

An image of a design converstaion.


First and foremost, we are all human. Yes, we have jobs to do & companies to run, but those are just part of the greater scope of our lives. Long before the COVID pandemic & society’s shift to prioritizing mental health (finally), I’ve always worked hard to show my teams their value in the workplace and beyond. Everyone has a story that’s brought them to where they are today and everyone has potential to grow regardless of that story.‎

Wait…Why is a Product Leader Still Pushing Pixels?

How do you build a car without knowing how the engine works?

How would you know how fast that car can move without understanding the quadratic equation?

Good leaders need to practice what they preach!

Looking for more detail on who I am? No problem.

Read my Bio

Tech Leadership FAQs

What are the key skills for a successful technology leader?

Essential skills include strategic thinking, a deep understanding of technology trends, excellent communication, and the ability to lead cross-functional teams through change. Additionally, to be a true leader, one needs to have a strong EQ and an understanding of how to build, motivate, and foster a strong culture of high-performing teams.

How can effective technology leadership foster innovation within a company?

Effective technology leadership fosters innovation by encouraging a culture that prioritizes creativity & continuous improvement, leveraging emerging technologies, strategically aligning tech initiatives with business goals, and inspiring loyalty & greatness among their teams.

What role does a technology leader play in digital transformation?

A technology leader plays a crucial role in digital transformation by guiding the adoption of new technologies, ensuring integration with existing systems, and driving organizational change to embrace digital-first strategies.

How does effective technology leadership impact business growth?

Strong technology leadership enables businesses to leverage cutting-edge technologies, improve operational efficiency, and create new revenue streams, directly impacting growth and profitability.

What is the relationship between technology leadership and IT governance?

Technology leadership is crucial in establishing and maintaining IT governance frameworks that ensure alignment with product & business objectives while being in compliance with regulatory requirements. Additionally, strong technology leadership can ensure product goals are already aligned with IT governance requirements, streamlining the overall product development process.